Safe Vehicles and Post Crash Response
Presented: 25th June 2020
The 'Ageing and Safe Mobility: 21st Century Streets' webinar series is running through June & July. In this session we discuss the role of vehicle technology and the range of post collision response measures that might contribute to safer outcomes. We are joined by vehicle safety expert Paul Fay and Laurence Atchison, formerly of the European Transport Safety Council who have written pillar studies on Safe Vehicles and Post Crash Response.
The challenges associated with maintaining safe mobility for an ageing population will necessarily require a continued focus on improving the collision avoidance technologies and the crash worthiness of vehicles, as well as implementing changes to emergency response, trauma care and collision investigation. This sessions explores a number of these issues for the burgeoning older population.
Older VRUs and Post Collision Response
Laurence Atchison explores the ways in which further safety gains might be achieved for older road users through developments in emergency response and post-crash care.
Safer Vehicles - Implications for New Technology
Vehicle safety expert, Paul Fay, explore the range of enhancements to vehicle design and safety systems that are already contributing to improved safety, or could in the future.