Safe roads & road use for an ageing population

Date: 18th June 2020

Time: 2:00pm - 3.00pm

The 'Ageing and Safe Mobility: 21st Century Streets' webinar series is running through June & July. In this session, Kate Fuller (Road Safety Foundation) and George Ursachi (Agilysis), will present an overview of how ageing and mobility interact with aspects of road design and safe road use.


Road design, integrated with transport planning and urban design has a hugely important part to play in delivery of this safe network. Considering the function and specification of roads to ensure that speed and mobility are considered in tandem with safety and sustainability; especially where vulnerable road users, such as the older population are active users of this network.

From a road user perspective, the ageing population doesn’t come with lower travel or mobility demand. Basic mobility needs remain somewhat similar, with commuting being replaced by more travel to shops and for social purposes, more travelling to doctors, pharmacies and hospital, and grand-children care responsibilities (school runs, clubs, sports activities, etc). Recognising the mobility needs of older road users, evidence suggests that car travel is still the preferred travel mode for most older people.

This webinar is part of 'Ageing and Safe Mobility: 21st Century Streets' series, find out more about the other webinars below:

Webinars are free to register and join, though there is a limit to 100 participants in each webinar. If a webinar is oversubscribed and you are unable to access it as a participant, we will also be simulcasting on YouTube so you will still be able to watch the content live.

After each webinar, we will make the recording and any presentation slides available here for review.

Older Mobility & the wider policy landscape

Older Mobility with BSG Special Interest Group

Safer vehicles & post-crash care

Technology & self-regulation for older drivers

Date: 4th June 2020

Time: 2:00pm - 3.00pm

Date: 11th June 2020

Time: 2:00pm - 3.00pm

Date: 25th June 2020

Time: 2:00pm - 3.00pm

Date: 2nd July 2020

Time: 2:00pm - 3.00pm