Cycling rates amongst older people in the UK are relatively low. However, the example of countries such as Denmark, Germany and Japan demonstrate that higher levels of cycling in later life are achievable, for example cycling accounts for 12% of all trips, the same as among Germans who are 65 and older. Increased cycling in later life is also desirable, delivering a variety of health benefits and it is a market that is also experiencing some disruption as e-bikes targeted at making riding more comfortable and accessible for older riders become increasingly popular.

Relationships between age and cycling have generally received less attention in research, so we are looking to build our library of articles on this topic. You will probably also want to take a look at the Policy Landscape Review and Pillar Studies on Safe Roads and Safe Road Users.


Inclusive Cycling in Cities and Towns

Size: 10.90 MB
Hits: 542
Date added: 21-04-2020

Cycling Walking Investment Strategy Safety Review

Size: 2.24 MB
Hits: 457
Date added: 21-04-2020